Slovak Agriculture and Food Chamber (SPPK)

The members of SPPK are natural persons as well as legal persons running their business in:

food industry
biological, technical and trade services for agriculture and food industry
NGOs and self-governing organisations in the agri-food branch and other subjects

Since January 1st 2005 the membership in SPPK is voluntary.

SPPK realizes its activities through the Head office in Bratislava, the net of the regional agricultural and food chambers (RPPK) in the whole territory of Slovakia and the regional chambers „with the statute“ (i.e. based on the other than the territory principle).

The Slovak Agricultural and Food Chamber was based according to the Law no. 30/1992 Coll. as non-governmental, statutory and self-governing institution.

The main goals and mission of SPPK

the representation of the common interests of SPPK members in the process of the state socio-economical policy creation
the support and protection of SPPK members enterprise activities, in the sake of the agriculture and the food industry progress and improvement in Slovakia

The benefits of SPPK

is conductive to improving the business environment in agri-food sector
has a wide territorial scope through the net of the regional chambers
has a direct contact with the primary rpoducers in the regions
collects, selects and evaluates various statistical data
combines the entrepreneurs in the agriculture and in the food industry as well as in the services for both sectors
daily updates the information on
flexibly disseminates the information to the members
quickly reaches the reflex from its members by using the electronic questionnaires and the evaluating, analysing software
comments the legislative drafts and co-operates on preparation of the standpoints, also on the European Union level
co-formulates the common strategy for the progress and seeks the possible solutions of the essential problems of agriculture

SPPK co-operates and communicates

with the Comittee of Professional Agricultural Organisations in the EU and the General Confederation of Agricultural Co-operatives in the EU (COPA/COGECA)
with the Slovak national authorities (the Parliament, the Government of the Slovak Republic, the Ministry of Agriculture of the SR, the State Veterinary and Food Administration of the SR (ŠVPS SR), the Central Controlling and Testing Institute in Agriculture (ÚSKÚP), the State Administration Authorities in the Customs, the Tax Directorate of the SR, the Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra etc.
with the agrarian chambers of the Visegrad four countries and other partner organisations
with the unions and associations, also within the experts working groups
with the subjects operating in the pirmary agricultural production, for example to implement the new ISO standards
with educational and scientific-research institutes, to search for the new solutions and possible tendencies of the progress of the agri-food sector development in Slovakia

SPPK organizes and guards

the educational activities, seminars and trainings, for example for the implementation of the new legislation measures
the specialized international conferences on the actual subjects
the study trips to the foreign countries
the meetings of the experts to share their views and information
the continual monitoring of the progress and the outputs of the seasonal agricultural works statistics

SPPK provides

the information of the European legislation in the agriculture and food sectors
the information of the situation on the markets of the main agricultural commodities, on the viewpoints of the European organisations etc.
the information of the Rural development programme, reforms and the perspective of the Common agricultural policy
the advisory services on the regional, i.e. direct level
the useful printed booklets for the needs of the primary producers, for example to fill in the requested entries for the controllers
the elaborated economical analysis of the food industry development and of the international trade on agriculturacl products
SPPK premises and technical equipment
the administration services for the certain associations


The Slovak Agricultural and Food Chamber

Záhradnícka 21

81107 Bratislava

Slovak Republic

e-mail:[email protected]


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