Druhá verzia návrhu FDE na novelizáciu stratégie EÚ v oblasti obchodu a investícií
V nižšie uvedenom manifeste FDE v prospech liberalizácie medzinárodného obchodu a investícií sú opakovane zdôraznené všetky známe argumenty predkladané najmä veľkými firmami.
Igor Šarmír, SPPK
Bariéry obchodu
The Commission will present a Communication on 'Single market Strategy for goods and services' in the autumn. This Strategy will notably look at enhancing mutual recognition and removing remaining barriers. In this context, DG GROW encourages us to provide input, i.e. to collect problems and evidence related to non-uniform application of the legislation and re-nationalisation which lead to barriers on the EU Internal Market.
Mifid II a poľnohospodárske komodity (regulácia finančných operácií)
Our organisations, representing the EU agricultural supply chains, support the declared objectives of MiFID II to provide for more transparency in the markets, to reduce volatility and to guarantee that financial markets support hedging the risks connected to the uncertainties of agricultural production, trading and related activities.
FDE plne podporuje návrhy na lepšiu reguláciu
FoodDrinkEurope strongly supports the Commission’s ambition to deliver better rules for better results, as announced in today’s proposal on Better Regulation. FoodDrinkEurope also agrees that the main 3 Institutions share a joint responsibility in delivering better regulation.
Ekonomický dopad systému moderného maloobchodu na výber a inovácie v sektore potravinárstva EÚ
The economic impact of modern retail on choice and innovation in the EU food sector – AIM/FoodDrinkEurope comments on the study commissioned by DG Competition of the European Commission
Regulačná kooperácia v TTIP (úvodný návrh textu EK)
This TEXTUAL PROPOSAL is the European Union's initial proposal for legal text on" Regultaroy Cooperation" in TTIP. It was tabled for discussion with the US in the negotiating round of 2-6 February 2015 and made public on 10 February 2015. The actual text in the final agreement will be a result of negotiations between the EU and US.